unsere Tänze 2024 |
10.09.2024 |
Darlin' who's Darlin' Baby Belle An Absolute Dream Rocket to the Sun Circle 20 Mamma Maria
03.09.2024 |
A little Love worth Waiting for/4 We can't wait The Last Shanty Lindi Shuffle Canadian Stomp Ah si! AB Wild Hearts Rocket to the Sun Won't you dance with me
27.08.2024 |
A little Love worth Waiting for/4 We can't wait The Last Shanty Lindi Shuffle Canadian Stomp Ah si! El Paso Swing
20.08.2024 |
Won't you dance with me The Last Shanty Canadian Stomp We can't wait Lindi Shuffle AB A Reason to stay
13.08.2024 |
Stand by me Country Walkin' Canadian Stomp Waltz across Texas Lindi Shuffle Ah si! We can't wait
06.08.2024 |
The last Shanty Stealing the Best AB Working 9 to 5 AB A reason to stay Stand by me Contra Circle 20 Always will El Paso Swing
30.07.2024 |
The last Shanty We can't wait Stand by me contra Mamma Maria Jätkänhumppa Pleaser (Tequila Circle)
23.07.2024 |
AB A Reason to stay The last Shanty We can't wait Stand by me Contra El Paso Swing
02.07.2024 |
A little bit of Mambo We can't wait The last Shanty Canadian Stomp AB A Reason to Stay Mamma Maria Lindi Shuffle Ritas Waltz
25.06.2024 |
Stompin' it out Canadian Stomp The last Shanty Circle 20 Mamma Maria Take me home AB A Reason to stay
20.06.2024 |
Stand by me Contra Ah si! Circle 20 Canadian Stomp Stompin' it out The last Shanty
28.05.2024 |
Stand by me Contra AB A Reason to Stay AB Wild Hearts Jätkänhumppa Stompin' it out Lindi Shuffle Circle 20
21.05.2024 |
Always have Stand by me & Stand by me contra 18 Wheels and a dozend Roses AB A Reason to Stay A little bit of Mambo Mamma Maria
14.05.2024 |
Stompin' it out Always have 18 Wheels and a dozend Roses Circle 20 Ah si! Mamma Maria
07.05.2024 |
Stand by me Ah si! Always will Stompin it out Circle 20 Mamma maria
23.04.2024 |
Stand by me 15 Minutes Cha Cha One Mamma Maria Silver Lining Tequila Circle Lindi Shuffle
16.04.2024 |
Stand by me 15 Minutes Cha Cha One Mamma Maria Silver Lining Heave Away
09.04.2024 |
Stand by me Stompin it out Mamma Maria Little Wagon Wheel Boardwalk 123 Waltz
19.03.2024 |
Stand by me Stompin it out Silver Lining Little Charleston Heave away
12.03.2024 |
Heave away Stompin it out Mamma Maria Back to the Start Little Wagon Wheel
05.03.2024 |
Silver Lining Mamma Maria Take you Dancing EZ Ritas Waltz Heave Away
27.02.2024 |
Silver Lining Boardwalk (aka Starter Step) Mamma Maria Take you Dancing EZ Ritas Waltz
20.02.2024 |
Stealing the Best Ah si! Who needs to know Little Wagon Wheel Bubbles up! Take me Home Tequila Circle
13.02.2024 |
Mamma Maria Ah si! Land of Dreams Rudolph drank all the Rumple Minze Lindi Shuffle Heave Away
06.02.2024 |
Mamma Maria Stealing the Best Ah si! Tequila Circle Waltz across Texas Lindi Shuffle (Little Charleston)
23.01.2024 |
Little Wagon Wheel Pleaser Ah si! Stealing the best Waltz across Texas Running Bear Everyday Circle 20
16.01.2024 |
Lindi Shuffle Little Wagon Wheel Ah si! Mamma Maria Running Bear |
09.01.2024 |
Jerusalema Little Wagon Wheel Ah si! Stealing the best Storm and Stone AB
unsere Tänze ab Oktoker 2023 |
19.12.2023 |
- Weihnachtstanzen -
Land of Dreams Rudolph drank all the Rumple Minze Lindi Shuffle Ah si! That Honky Tonk Highway Stealing the Best A1 Ritas Waltz Storm and Stone AB
12.12.2023 |
Jerusalema Little Charleston Rudolph drank all the Rumple Minze Tequila Circle Lindi Shuffle Storm and Stone AB Ah si!
05.12.2023 |
Jerusalema Bubbles up Just one Rhumba That Honky Tonk Highway Rudolph drank all the Rumple Minze
03.12.2023 |
- Ersatztermin -
Lindi Shuffle Rudolph drank all the Rumple Minze Bubbles up Stealing the best Ah si! Just one Rhumba
28.11.2023 |
Rudolph drank all the Rumple Minze Bubbles up Stealing the best Ah si! Tequila Circle Stroll along Cha Cha
26.11.2023 |
- Ersatztermin -
Storm and Stone AB Rudolph drank all the Rumple Minze Bubbles up Stealing the best Ah si!
14.11.2023 |
Jätkänhumppa Like my Dog Waltz across Texas Country Walkin Stealing the best Pleaser Circle 20 Tequila Circle
07.11.2023 |
Some Beach Circle 20 Waltz Across Texas Lucky Lips Country Walkin' Bebob Like my Dog
26.10.2023 |
Little Charleston The Morning after Bebob Some Beach Pleaser Circle 20
17.10.2023 |
Young Hope - Old Memories The Morning after Little Charleston Canadian Stomp Circle Beginner Stroll
10.10.2023 |
Celtic CT Waltz across Texas Beginner Stroll Over the Moon Clair
03.10.2023 |
Waltz across Texas Pleaser That Honky Tonk Highway Claire Everyday Celtic CT